Controversial self-acclaimed Queen of Comedy, Afia Schwarzenegger has celebrated the death of her later father’s family head (Abusuapanyin).
According to Afia, during her late father’s funeral, the Abusuapanyin asked that he sleep in the room that her father used to sleep in.
But after he was given the room, he brought in his girlfriend who slept in the room with him.
This angered Afia Schwarzenegger who decided to lambast him for disrespecting the memory of her father.
Anyway, the Abusuapanyin has unfortunately passed on and Afia Schwarzenegger jubilating about his death.
According to her, his death is the best punishment for disrespecting her father’s memory.
Afia Schwarzenegger’s father died in January 2022. His funeral was held at KNUST in Kumasi on March 12th, 2022.
The event was graced by several celebrities including Tracey Boakye, Diamond Appiah, Stacy Amoateng, and many more.
See the video below!