$300 deep trumu l!ckings video by Gh Boy Hayford on Transgender woman, Headucator details

Written by: King Bygone
A $300 deep trumu l!ckings video by a Gh Boy Hayford on a Transgender woman, Headucator details.

Excitement Takes Over X, formerly Twitter, As Videos Of Alpha Male, Hayford, Performing Deep Trumu L!ckings On A Transgender Surface On Social Media.

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A trans girl called Headucator (who is publicly known to be g@y) has le@ked X-r@ted v! videos of him and Hayford (who is known mostly for shutting down girls who confess their admiration for him on social media) having intense or@l s£x moments.

Hayford & Headucator allegedly recorded the video at the request of Hayford’s sugar mummy for $300, but the mummy failed to make the payment.

Headucator reportedly leaked their videos after Hayford went around badmouthing Headucator after giving him/her a serious @n@l job despite Hayford not holding his part of their deal!

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King Bygone known in real life as Isaac Annor is one of the fastest Rising Ghanaian Social Media Influencers, Blogger, Online Journalist, Publicist, PR, and Social Media Influencer at NsemWokrom.com || Blogger || message@kingbygone.com.