The Ghanaian community is deeply saddened by the passing of Nana Asante Soaba, a cherished broadcaster at Oyerepa FM, who died on January 21, 2025. Nana Asante Soaba, known for his engaging and insightful style, was the host of the station’s popular evening program, ‘Mpanin Atenase’. His untimely demise has left a significant void in the media landscape of Kumasi.
Nana Asante Soaba’s career began at Angel FM, where his hard work and professionalism earned him numerous awards, particularly as a newscaster. In 2021, he joined Oyerepa FM, where his vibrant personality, humor, and passion for broadcasting endeared him to his listeners. His deep connection with his audience made him a household name and a beloved figure in the media industry.
Sources close to the family revealed that Nana Asante Soaba had been battling an illness for several years, but he remained a committed and passionate broadcaster throughout his health struggles. His passing has elicited an outpouring of grief from friends, family, colleagues, and fans, who are remembering him fondly for his warmth and dedication.
As a devout Muslim, Nana Asante Soaba will be laid to rest today, January 22, 2025, according to Islamic traditions. His death has left the media community and the nation at large mourning the loss of a remarkable figure, whose contributions will never be forgotten.