A young Ghanaian lady has caused a stir on social media, leaving many perplexed with her unique prayer method. Jessica Herritchca, as she is known on...
Ghanaian football legend Charles Taylor recently took to TikTok to share a heartwarming photo of himself with his two beautiful daughters. In the post...
Former Black Stars midfielder, Emmanuel Agyemang Badu, is walking the aisle with his long-time girlfriend, Regitta Affua Arthur. Agyemang Badu’s incoming wife, Regitta, happens...
Multiple award winning Ghanaian rapper, Amerado has dished his piece of mind to a fan for disseminating misleading information on Twitter. Jay South, the...
Ghanaian broadcast journalist, Ohemaa Woyeje has added her voice to the ongoing brouhaha about Mzbel’s son. Speaking to Fiifi Pratt in a recent interview,...
A male lecturer of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun (Nigeria) Dr Ariyo, yesterday, allegedly attacked a student for allegedly refusing to switch off...
A self-proclaimed Ghanaian prophetess has warned Linda Osei to seek spiritual help or risk losing one of her popular daughters to childbirth. According to...