Jacinta Price Height: How tall is Jacinta Price?

Written by: Amos Osrah

Jacinta Price is an Australian indigenous politician, writer, and activist. Price is a member of the Warlpiri/Celtic peoples and is known for her outspoken views on indigenous issues, including domestic violence, child abuse, and cultural practices.

Price is the daughter of Dave Price, a well-known Aboriginal activist and politician who served as a Labor member of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly.

She grew up in Alice Springs and attended St Philip’s College, where she was head girl. She went on to study at Charles Darwin University and the University of Adelaide.

Price worked as a teacher and youth worker before entering politics. In 2016, she was elected to the Alice Springs Town Council and served as Deputy Mayor.

In 2019, she ran as a candidate for the Country Liberal Party in the federal election but was unsuccessful.

Price is also a prolific writer and commentator, and her work has been published in a range of newspapers and journals. She has been a regular contributor to The Australian and has also written for The Sydney Morning Herald, The Guardian, and The Spectator.

She has written extensively on issues affecting indigenous Australians, particularly domestic violence and child abuse.

Jacinta Price Height

Jacinta Price Height: How tall is Jacinta Price?

Currently, there is no personal information such as Jacinta Price’s height and weight.


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