In a groundbreaking achievement, young Ghanaian graduate Isaac Amoako has received approval from Guinness World Records to embark on a remarkable reading journey—an attempt to read aloud for an impressive six days nonstop.
In an exclusive interview with GhPage, Isaac Amoako shared the elation of receiving the confirmation email, marking one of the proudest moments in his life.
The University of Education (Winneba) graduate, currently unemployed, aspires to break the reading-aloud marathon record, a dream that has fueled his passion for reading.
According to him, he can read 90-100 books within a day.
When asked about the kinds of books he would be reading for his read-aloud marathon, Isaac disclosed that they are under review and he would first submit them to Guinness World Records before beginning his marathon
Isaac’s ambitious goal is set against the backdrop of the current record held by Rysbai Isakov from Kyrgyzstan.
Isakov achieved the longest marathon reading aloud, clocking an impressive 124 hours in Bursa, Turkey, from 22 to 27 September 2022.
Isakov’s dedication to reading the “Manas epic,” a 10th-century legendary hero story cherished by the Kyrgyz people, has set a high benchmark for Isaac to surpass.