Ghanaian comic actor, Kalybos, known for his infectious humor and charismatic screen presence, is currently enjoying a blissful honeymoon with his wife. The couple...
It’s clear that the Ghanaian celebrity Ahuofe Patri made more headlines in 2023. She has mostly appeared in many news stories for some controversies,...
Ghanaian actress Priscilla Opoku Agyeman, popularly known as Ahuofe Patri, has made a surprising revelation. She has asked her friend and fellow actor Kalybos,...
Ghanaian actor Richard Kweku Asante, popularly known as Kalybos, recently tied the knot with his beautiful wife in a joyous and flamboyant ceremony. The...
On November 10, 2023, Ghanaian popular actor, Kalybos shared some pre-wedding photoshoots on his Instagram page and captioned it “11:11 World Kalybos Day”. These shared pictures circulated on...
On November 10, 2023, Ghanaian popular actor, Kalybos shared some pre-wedding photoshoots on his Instagram page and captioned it “11:11 World Kalybos Day”. These shared pictures circulated on...