The entertainment world mourns the loss of beloved actor Bright Owusu, affectionately known as C Confion, whose funeral was held on January 11, 2025, at Sepe Buokrom Park in Kumasi, Ashanti Region. The ceremony was a heartfelt tribute to his exceptional talent and contributions to the arts.
In a poignant display of respect, C Confion’s casket was placed at the center of the park, flanked by two majestic horses. This unique arrangement symbolized his enduring legacy and the profound impact he had on his fans and colleagues.
The funeral service, attended by friends, family, and fans, was filled with tears, laughter, and fond memories of the actor’s life and career.
The family expressed their gratitude for the outpouring of support and prayers during this challenging time. They invited everyone who loved and admired C Confion to join them in celebrating his life and legacy. The burial will follow three weeks after his passing on December 6, 2024, at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital.
C Confion’s untimely death has left a significant void in the entertainment industry, but his memory will continue to inspire and be cherished by all who knew him.
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