The funeral of beloved Kumawood actor Bright Owusu, known as C Confion, was an emotional event that deeply moved many attendees. Held on January 11, 2025, at the Buokrom Government School Park, the ceremony saw family, friends, and fans gather to honor the late actor’s memory.
Among the mourners was Ghanaian actor Kyekyeku, who was spotted in tears during the funeral.
A photo of him crying has since gone viral on social media, touching the hearts of fans and colleagues alike. The sight of Kyekyeku’s grief highlights the profound impact C Confion had on those around him.
The funeral was marked by heartfelt tributes and shared memories, as the Kumawood community came together to celebrate the life and legacy of C Confion.
The collective grief and emotional outpouring underscored the significant impact he had on the lives of those who knew him.
Today we say Goodbye to C Confion. May his soul rest in Peace.