Following an exposé by Africa Eye on British Broadcasting Corporation, the late televangelist Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua (TB Joshua) is currently trending on the internet.
The three-part exposé, titled “Disciples: A Look Inside,” may be viewed on YouTube.
The late prophet is the target of grave claims made by church employees and former disciples in “The Cult of TB Joshua.”
Mainly from the United States, Nigeria, the United Kingdom, Namibia, and South Africa, the witnesses allege they were coerced into staying with TB Joshua for as long as 14 years through manipulation and physical abuse.
Joshua’s guest home at the Synagogue Church of All Nations collapsed on September 12, 2014, and this event is also being examined by the investigation.
At least 116 individuals died as a result of the collapse, the most of them were foreigners.
Jessica, a young woman, is one of the shocking accusers in the exposé. She says that TB Joshua adopted her as his biological daughter and then sexually assaulted her.
As asserted by the lady, she was a virgin when TB Joshua told her to take of her clothes and deliver.
Her virginity was broken when he pushed himself on her.