“Stonebwoy is stingy, he did not give me GHs1 when we were dating” – Abena Korkor strikes again (VIDEO)

Written by: King Bygone
After trending last night for dropping her 18+ videos, Abena Korkor has struck again on reggae dancehall act, Stonebwoy and fans are not supporting her on this.

According to Abena Korkor, Stonebwoy never gave her 1gh when they had their entanglement going on probably because he is an Ashaiman boy.

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She revealed this in a sighted post on her official Instagram account and shared it on Ghpage TV on Instagram.

Korkor alleged that she just considered Stonebwoy and gave him a shot to her private black hole because as a Christian, she is not biased in her givings.

The controversial media personality also sent a word of caution to Stonebwoy’s daughter, Jidulla citing that she is a girl and may grow up to be like her because of what her father allegedly did to her.

Watch the video below


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King Bygone known in real life as Isaac Annor is one of the fastest Rising Ghanaian Social Media Influencers, Blogger, Online Journalist, Publicist, PR, and Social Media Influencer at NsemWokrom.com || Blogger || message@kingbygone.com.