SHS Student goes partially blind as headmaster slaps her for leaving campus without an exeat

Written by: King Bygone

According to reports, the student identified as Diana, actually had permission to leave campus but the Headmaster refused to listen when she tried explaining to him.

He made her kneel down for a period of time and when she told him that she was unwell, his alleged response was that he’d lash her to make her feel better.

SHS Student
SHS Student

She mistakenly held his cane when he was about to lash her and this infuriated him and prompted him to land a hefty slap on her face after which he beat her up.

The incident has provoked outrage and concern from both the local community and the wider public, with discussions focusing on the well-being of students and the use of disciplinary measures within educational institutions.

The alleged assault on the student, particularly one in a position of vulnerability has raised serious questions about the proper implementation of school policies and the protection of students’ rights.


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