Evangelist Patricia Asiedua, also known as Agradaa, has responded to those who mocked her clothing choice during a morning workout session in a bold manner.
Taking to Instagram, the Evangelist shared a video showcasing her morning jog. She sported a pink pair of shorts paired with a sleeveless top, revealing parts of her body, including her thighs and buttocks.
Addressing the criticism and teasing directed at her attire, Agradaa didn’t hold back. She declared that she refuses to let others dictate her life choices. Reflecting on her video, she observed that many people worldwide still hold conservative perspectives, which she playfully referred to as “villagers.”
Unapologetically, she defended her outfit, noting that those who possess an enlightened perspective would understand that her attire wasn’t inappropriate unless worn at a nightclub.
Agradaa took pride in her natural appearance, affirming that she hadn’t undergone liposuction, despite having the means to do so. She expressed gratitude for her body as God created it, embracing her comfort within her own skin.
Nana Agradaa
In a confident tone, she made it clear that she held no regrets about her video and wouldn’t have altered her clothing choice, even if she were at the beach. Agradaa underlined her self-assuredness in her appearance and stated that although she had the financial capacity to undergo multiple liposuctions, she consciously opted against it.
“Can you believe it? No one has the power to dictate my life. Some of you are simply stuck in outdated mindsets. From my video, it’s evident that around 80% of the world still clings to outdated ideas. Some of you are still living in the past,” she exclaimed.
“And what’s the big fuss about my outfit? Enlightened individuals understand that the context matters. Only if I wore this outfit to a nightclub would it be considered inappropriate.”
“I’ve just finished a workout, and here I am putting out a video, and you’re concerned. Should I have been at the beach? Well, let me tell you something—I’m proud of who I am, just the way I am. God blessed me with beauty and a lovely complexion.”
“I haven’t undergone liposuction. I could easily afford it, even a hundred times over, but that’s not the path I choose,” she added with conviction.
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