Details of how Police capture 5 Missouri inmates, including 3 sex offenders, who pulled off daring jail break

Written by: Amos Osrah
The inmates have been identified as, from left to right, Kelly McSean, 52, Dakota Pace, 26, Michael Wilkins, 42, Aaron Sebastian, 30 and Lujuan Tucker, 37.

Missouri police said Saturday that all five escaped jail inmates who broke out of the St. Francois County Detention Center last week had been apprehended.

Four of them, according to the St. Francois County Sheriff’s Department, were discovered in Ohio.

As of this morning, all escaped inmates have been located and taken into custody. While Wilkins was captured in Missouri, Pace, Tucker, McSean and Sebastian were located hours later in Ohio,” the department wrote on Facebook.

Details of how Police capture 5 Missouri inmates, including 3 sex offenders, who pulled off daring jail break
The inmates have been identified as, from left to right, Kelly McSean, 52, Dakota Pace, 26, Michael Wilkins, 42, Aaron Sebastian, 30 and Lujuan Tucker, 37.

“The St. Francois County Sheriff’s Department will continue to work with the United States Marshals Service until all inmates are returned back to the Detention Center,” it said.

Inmate Michael Wilkins was apprehended Friday after being spotted alone at a Poplar Bluff, Missouri, bar and being reported to authorities.

Members of the Poplar Bluff Police Department arrested him without incident, and he was transported back to the St. Francois County Detention Center by investigators from the US Marshals Service and the St. Francois County Sheriff’s Department.

He is being held without bail.

Kelly McSean, Dakota Pace, Aaron Sebastian, and LuJuan Tucker were among those who escaped from the Farmington jail on Tuesday.

Missouri jailbreak
Michael Wilkins was captured in Poplar Bluff after escaping with four other inmates from a detention center this week.

Tucker, Sebastian, and McSean are known sex offenders who are “being held for crimes committed while confined in the Missouri Department of Corrections Sexual Offender Treatment Center,” according to the sheriff’s department. “Dakota Pace and Michael Wilkins were being held on felony warrants.”

Tucker had previously been charged with the rape of a 12-year-old girl, while McSean was being held on charges related to the sexual assault of a 39-year-old woman.

They all fled in a vehicle.

The jailbreak at the county’s detection center began around 7 p.m. local time, when the group entered a secured cell and then “made their way through a secured door by use of force.”

The five inmates changed out of their orange jail uniforms and were seen on surveillance cameras “wearing white thermal leggings, white boxer and/or basketball shorts, and white t-shirts,” with Tucker wearing a black t-shirt.

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